Sculptor, Painting, Prints
Syrian artist Fouad Dahdouh was born 1960 in Damascus, Syria. Considered as one of the most important sculptor of the Middle East, sculpture was his domain during his studies and later in his teaching activities. Painting, which he later chose as his profession, became his sphere of activity. He is an outstanding painter whose name is associated with joyful color festivals. His paintings were exhibited at the Venice Biennale. He also became famous for his graffiti art and 3D design for the backdrops of television series and films. Especially the old Damascene local color, whose examples we experience in the current scene. His works reflect his humorous and playful nature. His singing talent undoubtedly contributes to the musicality of the colors in his pictures, which like a mirror reflect his optimism, his zest for life, his love of the opposite sex, his wit and humor. The female silhouette is a central theme in his melodic, rainbow-rich paradises, which communicates with the color materials to the limit of the abstract. Although his spontaneous forms are enriched with the love of everyday pleasures, they cannot hide the latent sadness. It is betrayed by the screaming red, the splinters of the oppressed figures and the rough and precipitously hewn surfaces.
This points to an artist that creates with internationalism in mind, as his compositions remain free of a recognizable identity, leaving his work open-ended and unrestrained. His diverse style is the result of an art education that spans continents, as he holds diplomas, a master’s degree and a PhD in art and art history from institutions in Syria, France and Poland.
- Diploma of Fine Arts in Sculpture, at the University of Damascus, 1981.
- Diploma of superior studies in Sculpture, Lyon, France, 1986.
- Master degree in Sculpture, National Superior College at the Frotswav University, Bologna, Italy, 1991.
- PhD in Human Sciences in the History of Modern Aart and Medals. Historical and pedagogical Institute at the Frostwav University, Bologna, Italy, 1993.
-Professor at the Faculty of Fine Arts, University of Damascus, since 1993.
- Participated in government official exhibitions inside and outside the country.
- Construction of several monuments in Syria.
- Creation of several medals for different occasions.
- First prize of sculpture "Banally al mahaba Award", Latakia Biennal 2001.